Toothache! What To Do Until You Get Here

Your gums and jaw are tender and throbbing from a toothache, and the pain seems to radiate throughout your head. It’s nearly your bedtime, too – after hours for your usual dentist, and most other dentists, too. But OnCall Dental in Fresno is open, and we treat toothaches and other dental emergencies.

Driving here is out of the question, however, and it’s going to be a little while until your ride shows up. Meanwhile the pain is relentless. What can you do until you get here and get some proper treatment?

Here are some home remedies for toothache pain, and after gulping down an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofin, you might want to give one of them a try. They’re no substitute for the dentist, but if they make the next half hour more bearable, what is there to lose?

  • Saltwater rinse. This one is tried and true, and good for the short term. Mix about half a teaspoon of ordinary table salt into eight ounces of warm water. Switsh it gently around your mouth and then spit it out. Repeat.
  • Ice, or a cold compress. Wrap it in a soft towel and hold it against the side of your face. It can help ease the pain. If there is any swelling, it could indicate an abscess. We’ll figure that out when you get here; just be sure to get here without delay.
  • Garlic. You read that right. Take a clove of garlic, crush it, and place it against the sore tooth. There is no science to this, and it may be nothing more than an old wive’s tale, but the allicin released by crushing is said to be a natural disease fighter. It may or may not help – but it will do a number on your breath. You probably knew that already.

The most important thing is to get to OnCall Dental in Fresno as soon as you can. We specialize in emergency dentistry, including toothache relief, and we’re here 24/7. Walk-ins are always welcome.